There are several places on the internet that either A) used to feature information about Velvet Cacoon but have seen been deleted or scrubbed clean or B) I cannot find links to. The following is an incomplete list:
The Full Moon Productions Forum
Probably the biggest information archive about VC. The forum is corrupt and you can’t search for threads, view threads that a particular user started, etc. I contacted the webmaster but he said that it’s irredeemably broken and will be deleted soon. Also since its a .php page, the internet archive can’t access it, so once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Josh posted there under the usernames: gral, garbanzo, ichabod and possibly others. However, he looks to have deleted a lot of - but not all - of his posts and started threads.
The Whitewoods Google group:
Original link
A group Josh set up after the music-stealing hoax was discovered. This appears to have been partially conserved by the Wayback machine, but I can’t get access to the pages. Help on this would be appreciated. Unclear if Josh posted here other than to expose the music-stealing hoax.
The old FMP forum, partially preserved. Josh’s usernames: Black Olive, nightly peppermint baths, gral, August,
MFH Productions Board / Allied Metal Legions / Circle of the Tyrants: Original link Archive AML - this board was run by Wilhelm and is supposedly where the VC hoax was first developed. This board later became known as Circle of the Tyrants, on which Josh (as grim alliance) was a moderator. Usernames: grim alliance
Run by fans, a decent archive of VC info. Wilhelm was a frequent poster. closed all their groups recently.
Another fan forum. This was overtaken by bots and eventually shut down. There seems to have been a precursor / continuation of the Google group here but it has not been archived.
Yet another fan forum. Deleted.
Label that reissued Genevieve and Northsuite, so some VC talk on here. Deleted a while ago. Josh posted under the username ‘Ambassador Veronique’.
There were also some posts on the Nuclear War Now forums, recently deleted, pertaining to VC. Notably, Naeth, the vocalist from the band Ashdautas, claimed to have the Pumkiva album on at least two occasions. (Dead link - possibly some interesting stuff on the Wayback Machine). This may also be him, a user named ‘Orlok’ on a different forum only posting twice, both posts about Pumkiva, posted in 2004: Tapatalk