Part 3: Daniel Marvin

Josh Bowen’s page links through to what is purportedly Daniel Marvin’s homepage . However, it has not been preserved by the Wayback machine and is inaccessible. There is a small Veinke page on the Cold Burial System site.

As we have seen, Veinke featured on The Cold, The Silent and Insights Of The Profane .

Why is this important? Daniel Marvin is credited as the person who created the ambient pieces in a lot of Velvet Cacoon’s music. Indeed, he is referenced as early as the first Full Moon Productions interview in 2004 (where, interestingly, ‘Veinke’ is misspelled). Veinke appeared alongside Nocturath - Josh Bowens' project - on a compilation from Dragon Flight Recordings .

The only widely available release of Veinke’s is ‘Collection 3: Black Summer’ - however, this archive of songs contains tracks that are not found on that album. Notably, the song ‘Korridor’ features vocals similar to the first version of VC’s track 2 that was posted on the FMP forums. ‘Black Summer’ was released on Triumvirate Records , which has since ceased operating. There is also a split album with martial industrial project As All Die, to which Veinke contributes one dark ambient track . The track can be heard here .

Finally, there are references to a compilation called Insights of the Profane to which Veinke did the outro - although this album cannot be found. The page does, however list an email address which leads to a website . Sinkhole appears to be an experimental music magazine and radio show featuring, among others, artists from Triumvirate Records. However, it appears that none of the radio shows nor the playlists were archived. The collection page of this site lists a Veinke demo called ‘Manifestations in the Dark’, a CD-R demo, limited to 5 copies and ‘Hidden in the Light’ a release of 100 copies. ‘Hidden in the Light’ is also listed here and the label is cited as ‘The Hierophant’s Order Recordings’, the website of which is here . It’s length is listed on the details page : 11 tracks clocking in at over an hour.

There are also releases called Collection II and Collection IV, about which no information can be found.

The big question: is Daniel Marvin real and/or the same person as Josh from VC?

Veinke is said to be from Baltimore, but there is no original citation for this. The Sinkhole page, however, lists an address in Maryland. ‘Daniel Marvin’ also appears to be the name of a famous gay porn star and so searching the name mainly brings up results for him. However, if D. Marvin contributed the ambient tracks to VC - and yet, all he did in some circumstances was to slow down other tracks (as seen here ) then the role he actually played is unclear. Further, it has always been a mystery as to why Atropine is attributed to Josh and not to Daniel Marvin. Occam’s razor states that these are two separate people, but this is conjecture.